Tuesday, March 28, 2006

Invent This

I'm convinced that if somehow I could get my favorite music to be piped into my head during the day, that I would be much happier.
Think about it, you could just rock out all day to whatever you wanted, and then when someone started talking to you, the music would pause automatically so that you could hear them.
Seriously, wouldn't that be great?!
I'm thinking Apple could invent some sort of ipod implant.

Here is a list of names that I would find exceptable for such a device.

ipod mastermind
ipod imagine
ipod think
ipod vision
ipod forsee

1 comment:

Unknown said...

how about

ipod people

(get it? "pod people" cause, you know, apple would be taking over your body like some mind-controlling alien from those old sci-fi movies or that one with donald sutherland when he's especially crusty and he's got that huge manta-ray like thing attached to his neck or like in buffy with those ones that hatch out of an egg and latch onto your lower back all slimy and itchy, except in your conception of said device I guess it would more likely be implanted directly to the brain, probably via some coclear --how the hell do you spell that?-- contraption and not resting on the outside of your body like some horrible biological tattoo that you can't remember getting after a night of binge drinking and su casita.Remind me to get that thing lanced . . .)