Friday, September 24, 2010

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

i don't know whether to lick your face or bite your face

OK, so the other morning I had to get up at 3 am to go on a work related road trip. When I looked at myself in the bathroom mirror, for some reason started doing the Steve Large Dance. I chose to chalk it up to being rummy dummy after only 3 hours of sleep, but now I find myself doing it every morning. It puts me in a great mood for the rest of the day, which is good seeing how I'm usually what I refer to as a Morning Zombie. lol

Does anyone have any more dance suggestions for my mornings? I was thinking of brushing up on my Thriller routine for Halloween =)

(this question is aimed @ you Becca, cause I know ur the only person who reads this thing lol)

Friday, September 17, 2010

... and Hunger Games on commercial breaks lol

Nothing beats Supernatural and Su Casita on a Thursday night :)