OK, this all started when something, I think an elephant, died under my house. I tried and failed to successfully describe the stench to Becca. I became obsessed. The smell was so foul, so offensive, so putrid, that I couldn't let it go. I devised a plan. A plan so diabolical, so fiendish, so evil, that I was positive it would work. First, I located a mason jar in said smelly house. Then, I left it out at the epicenter of stinkyness for a week. Lastly, this morning when I went to screw the lid on I gave it a few quick passes in the air, to trap the smelliness inside of course, as I ran around in the laundry room. Now off to Becca's to deliver the payload of wretchedness!
Yes! This picture is AWE-some!!!
Too bad the jar o' stinkiness didn't do it's job :( Or, well, I guess it's a good thing for me. I didn't have to smell the stinky.
I was SO disappointed :(
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