Saturday, November 12, 2005


If by some miracle, anyone besides Becca reads this blog,
there's something you need to know about me.

I'm cheap.

Not in a slutty way, but in a penny pincher - tight wad kinda way.

I live just out of range of good TV reception.
So do I flip the bill for Satellite TV?
No, of course not.
I sit through hours upon hours of static, snow, B&W picture, no sound, and blue screen.
Like a fool!
A fool who doesn't want to spend the 40 bucks a month for something that I can get for free.
Which would be a really great deal if only I could see it.
Tonight, while attempting to decipher what was happening on the latest episode of Bones through the static, I flipped.
Enraged that it was happening AGAIN!
I yelled something profane at the TV and shook my fist. (which was really effective... at doing nothing)
If only I could part with the forty dollars I have clutched in my fist.

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