I just ate 3 eggs that died on August 31st! THAT WAS OVER A MONTH AGO!! I think I'm dying. Well, that will teach me to look at the expiration date next time.
If I start experiencing death-like symptoms, I'll let you know.
You're the first one I talk to, right after the 911 operator.
I saw Donnie Darko yesterday.
Or, well, I guess I saw MOST of it yesterday.
I think I'm gonna rent it so I can watch the whole thing.
I really liked the part that I did see though.
Very freaky, and it gave me another reason to fear Patrick Swayze.
Which is always good.
In the last scene of the movie there was a song playing that I immediately recognized,
but I could not for the life of me remember the name or who sang it.
Then it came to me in the middle of the night.(It just popped into my head, no Frank the Bunny, I swear)
It was Mad World by Tears for Fears.
It's been in my head ever since.
And I find it kind of funny
I find it kind of sad
The dreams in which I'm dying
Are the best I've ever had
Well, I didn't.
Obviously right?
Otherwise how could I be typing this right now?
Maybe I'm writing from BEYOND THE GRAVE!!!
OK, sorry.
I was looking back the other day and realized that my first blog entry was Oct. 25th, 2005.
The 1 year anniversary is fast approaching.
My goal is to have entered 100 posts before the 25th.
Fortunately, this post will bring the grand total to 98, so its looking pretty good.
On another note... Becca and her family got me a digital camera for my birthday.
That's right.
So from now on you'll have a front row seat for all my photographic masterpieces.
To see the first one, look to the right.
What I'm listening to right now: Mad World (damn you Donnie Darko!)