Monday, February 20, 2006

Mad Max Mel

I watched Mad Max this weekend.

Hairway to Steaven

Yup, I'm that stupid.
I was at work the other night, by myself thank God, with the music blaring, of course, when Stairway to Heaven came on the radio.
Well, I started to sing along in the spirit of "7 o'clock get the Led out", but blurted out "hairway to steaven" instead of the obvious lyrics.
Laughing hysterically at myself, I realized that yep, I'm the biggest nerd ever.
I'm sorry Led Zeppelin, I'm so sorry.


I added a new link today.
So, for some chicken hilarity head over to Savage Chickens.
(Shaking fist) Do it!!

I'm Buttercup?

I took a quiz to see which character I was from The Princess Bride...
turns out I'm Buttercup.
Well, I guess I could go for the Dread Pirate Roberts.
Helloooooo Cary Elwes *wink* *wink*

Sunday, February 12, 2006

Batman Begins

I saw Batman Begins this weekend, and I actually liked it.
Surprisingly so.

On a completely different note...

What was up with Liam Neeson's hair?!

I mean it looked like someone tripped and fell on him with a pair of buzz cutters so they had to even the other side out to match.
The whole movie, I couldn't not look at it. I was mesmerized.

Oh, and the Tumbler is way cooler than the Batmobile!

Saturday, February 11, 2006

Good News Everyone

My tire is now puncture free!
Woo Hoo!

Tuesday, February 07, 2006


I totally have this piece of metal something sticking out the side of my rear passenger tire.
It's been losing air, but filling it back up seems to be working so far.
Hopefully, at least until Friday.
Which is when I hope to take my car in to the tire place.
I cross my fingers, and hope everyday that I make it to work and back without a blowout.
So if you see some poor girl on the side of the road with a flat between now and Friday, please stop and help her.
It might just be me.
And we all know I need all the help I can get.

Must Have

I wrote down the names of these 2 songs that I heard online the other day.
I can't find them, yet, but I did just start looking.

I Dream of Jesus by Dead Milkmen
13 Colonel Bogey by Cocksparrer

Must find
and burn to CD
Must Have

Calm...... now.

There... that's better.
Big breath in... and out "Aaahhhhhhh"
A very good pic of Ewan courtesy of Becca's blog to make me feel all shiny.
I'm not freaking out any more.
I swear :)

I think I'm going crazy

Resin Posterior 2 surface
Porc. fuse high noble metal