We were on our way to the weenie roast,with the baby hanging out the window...
It's been 5 years today.5 years.5 years since my dad died.How is it that the time passes so quickly,and yet so slowly at the same time?I think I'll go cry myself to sleep now.
The other day on my way to work I saw a guy riding a bike with no hands.Not to say that he didn't have hands,just that he wasn't holding on to the handlebars.I just had to smile as he glided past me with his hands in his pockets,I always wanted to learn how to do that.As a little kid I would try and try.Circling my house over and over again,I would let go of the handlebars,start wobbling out of control,only to grab the bars again at the last second. (hey look, its my life)I was just amazed at this guy, lazily sitting back, hands in pockets, as he soared down the pavement without a care in the world.I wish I could be more like that.I don't know, like I said... I just had to smile.
I want to marry a guy who can also fix my car.
I just saw War of the Worlds this weekend.Good movie.Two things really bothered me though...1. That blue vaporizing beam could instantly turn people to ash, but their clothes were unscathed.2. In the beginning, when that Tripod thing sent out the EMP, why did that man's video camera still work? Huh?! Why?!?!(Shaking fist) Irritating!!!!!
OK, so I LOVE Stargate Atlantis!
I know, I know... no one cares.Well, the holiday rush is finally over!I'll be honest.I've had the time to blog, but instead decided that my time would be better spent playing with all the cool stuff I got for Christmas!Plus, I've been dog and housesitting for my sister since the 25th, and her lab is really needy, and crazy,and psychotic.So, you know, that's a time sucker.And now its back to the trenches on Tuesday!No more sleeping in. :(No more diet coke and pepperoni hot pockets for breakfast.Now they're for lunch!